How COVID-19 affects talent attraction and what you can do

It’s hard to know how long the current situation will last and what the impact on hiring will be in the immediate future. Some industries will obviously be impacted more than others.

But, although you may experience temporary changes in your hiring needs, any downcycle will inevitably come to an end and you may need to quickly fill open positions with the best talent available.

So, what is important right now is to maintain a presence with the career centers of relevant associations. Stay engaged and continue to communicate your commitment to find qualified candidates as your job opportunities open up.

Here’s how you can leverage career centers to support your hiring needs during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond:

Create an employer account

When you create an employer account, not only do you have the opportunity to post open positions, but you can get insights into the kinds of positions job seekers value most. Employer accounts help you to position your employer brand in the best possible light to attract the most qualified candidates.

Save time

With the uncertainty about the impact COVID-19 will have, many industries are scrambling to conduct business as usual. Yet many may lack the time or ability to dedicate resources to filter through resumes. The career centers of industry related associations can provide access to the right pool of candidates, requiring less search and query time to reach the right person.

Where job seekers turn

61% of professionals joining associations do so for career development and future job opportunities. When looking for their next position, job seekers are going to want to utilize the best possible resources. Using the career centers of associations is an efficient method of being in front of the right candidates at the right time.

We are here to support you in your talent attraction efforts. Click here for more information on posting a job.

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